
Ck2 how to vassalize pope
Ck2 how to vassalize pope

ck2 how to vassalize pope

  • For player cultures, the culture head now updates within a month when one ruler becomes bigger than another.
  • E.G., before the couple’s fertility dropping from 53% to 52% would cause the chance of pregnancy to drop from 3% to 2% per month, while now it’ll go from 2.52% to 2.47% Now the reduction in pregnancy chance is gradual instead.
  • Fixed pregnancy chance remaining unchanged for significant fertility spans before dropping drastically.
  • ck2 how to vassalize pope

    Electors should now be less inclined to form or join independence factions, unless they’re another faith than their liege.Diplomacy skill now gives a prestige mult % (with offset).Slashed the opinion modifier from Diplomacy by half.Denying an offensive war now reduces opinion with your ally by -20 for 5 years (decaying).Denying a defensive war now reduces opinion with your ally by -50 for 25 years (decaying).Denying offensive wars has a small impact, but denying defensive calls have a massive impact. Denying Call to Arms now costs Fame, potentially reducing your Level of Fame.E.G., creating the empire of Italia as the HRE will cause the Italian vassals to lose allegiance to the HRE Creating a title will now cause vassals dejure under it to lose title allegiance if their allegiance is to a title of the same tier.Courtiers you have a kid with are now slightly more likely to stick around.This means no more creating a kingdom where all the vassals will go with another title Confederate Partition now ignores land held by vassals with title allegiance when there’s titles with their own separate succession (E.G., elective titles, titles with their own gender laws).The Piety hit from being below desired spouses has been doubled.The numbers are: Baron/Count wants one, Dukes two, Kings three, and Emperors four. The Piety penalty only triggers if they are below desired spouses. Clan rulers now desire fewer spouses the lower their tier is.Cities and Temples now follow the same cost scale as Castles.Building a new Temple now gives much more piety, you can’t do it too often anyways.Only from within your dynasty for Disinherited The Castrated, Bastard, and Disinherited traits still block claim inheritance. Being unable to inherit titles no longer blocks claim inheritance.A woman being close to the fertility cutoff cap (3 years) now gives the ‘Low Fertility’ marriage penalty.

    Ck2 how to vassalize pope